A-Z Of Support
Navigating mental health challenges can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone. Our A-Z of Support is designed to help you easily find the information, services, and resources you need to take the next step towards help.
o Mencap
Shrewsbury Mencap provides support and social activities for those with learning disabilities and their families in Shrewsbury and surrounding area.
Call: 07850 749 951
Email: info@shrewsburymencap.org.uk
Website: https://www.mencap.org.uk/
o Shropshire Autism Hub
Shropshire Autism Hub is the umbrella for a range of services provided for autistic adults over 18 in Shropshire. Offering focussed small group work, peer support, user led activities, life skills, carer support, autism diagnosis.
Call: 01743 539 201
Email: advice@a4u.org.uk
Website: https://a4u.org.uk/our-work/shropshire-autism-hub/
o National Autistic Society
Providing advice and guidance about autism and the challenges autistic people and their families face. Offering an online community, as well as support and guidance to a small group of autistic adults in Shrewsbury, Telford and Shropshire.
Call: 0207 833 2299
Email: SASG@nas.org.uk
Website: www.autism.org.uk
Domestic Abuse
o Midlands Women’s Aid
Midlands Women's Aid, delivering services to women and children experiencing Domestic Abuse, providing safe housing, support and childcare services. Offering one-to-one support, refuges, independent domestic violence advisors and recovery and empowerment group programmes.
Call: 0300 302 0035
Email: support@mwa.org.uk
Website: https://mwa.org.uk/
o ManKind Initiative
Confidential helpline for male victims of domestic abuse and those supporting them.
Freephone: 0808 800 1170 (will not show up on your bills), Helpline: 01823 334 244
Website: https://mankind.org.uk/
o Shropshire Domestic Abuse Service
Offering information, advice and support to men, women, children and young person – including outreach, refuge, signposting and social chat groups.
Call: 0300 303 1191
Email: sdas@shropsdas.org.uk
Website: https://www.shropsdas.org.uk/
Compulsions & Addictions
o We Are With You
Charity offering free, confidential support with alcohol, drugs or mental health from online services or online.
Shrewsbury: 01743 294 700
Oswestry: 01743 294 700
Ludlow: 01743 294 700
Children & Young People: 01743 294 700
o Al-Anon
Al-Anon UK supports families and friends of alcoholics. It offers in-person meetings across the UK, online meetings, and a helpline.
Helpline: 0800 0086 811
Email: helpline@al-anon.org.uk
Website: https://al-anonuk.org.uk/
o NACOA – National Association for Children of Alcoholics
Information, advice, and support for those affected by a parent’s drinking. Services for both under 18’s and over 18’s.
Call: 0800 358 3456
Email: helpline@nacoa.org.uk
Website: www.nacoa.org.uk
o OCD Action
Information and support for people affected by OCD and hoarding, including online forums and online support groups for an array of topics.
Helpline: 0300 636 5478
Email: support@ocdaction.org.uk
Website: www.ocdaction.org.uk
o AA. Alcoholics Anonymous.
Peer support groups for people struggling with alcohol addiction.
24/7 helpline: 0800 9177 650
E-mail: help@aamail.org
Website: www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk
o NACOA – National Association for Children of Alcoholics
Information, advice, and support for those affected by a parent’s drinking. Services for both under 18’s and over 18’s.
Call: 0800 358 3456
Email: helpline@nacoa.org.uk
Website: www.nacoa.org.uk
o Hoarding UK
UK Charity for those affected by hoarding behaviours. Provides a telephone support line, advocacy help for dealing with issues such as legal, financial, psychological, and decluttering service signposting, and Zoom support group meetings.
Helpline: 020 3239 1600
Email: info@hoardinguk.org
Website: https://hoardinguk.org/support/services/
Eating Disorders
o BEAT Eating Disorders
Providing a national helpline, BEAT supports family and friends, equipping them with essential skills and advice, so they can help their loved ones recover whilst also looking after their own mental health.
Call: 0808 801 0677
Email: help@beateatingdisorders.org.uk
Website: https://www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk/
Emotional Support
o Papyrus
Supporting young people and persons up to 35yrs - Helpline provides practical advice and information to those concerned about a young person being at risk of suicide, or a young person who is worried about their own suicidal thoughts and feelings.
Helpline: 0800 068 4141
Text SMS: 07860 039967
Email: pat@papyrus-uk.org
Website: www.papyrus-uk.org
o Samaritans
Provides emotional support for any issue, with particular focus on supporting those with suicidal thoughts and feelings.
Helpline: 116 123 (24/7)
Website: www.samaritans.org/
Employment Support
o Enable
Enable offers employment support to people trying to overcome barriers when entering or returning to employment.
Call: 01743 276 900
Website: www.enableservices.co.uk
o Landau
Landau is a supported employment and training charity that provides structured routes to employment and access to learning.
Call: 01952 221 468
Website: https://www.landau.co.uk/
Financial Support
o Citizens Advice
Offering advice surrounding; Benefits, work, debt and finances, consumer advice, housing, family, law and courts. Providing online chat, telephone, face-to-face appointments and website resources.
Shrewsbury Branch: Fletcher House, 15 College Hill
Oswestry Branch: 34 Arthur Street, SY11 1JN
Ludlow Branch: Ludlow Youth Centre, Lower Galdeford, SY8 1RT
Telford Branch: 40 Tan Bank Wellington, TF1 1HW, 01952 567193
Call: 0808 278 7894 (01743 280019: Specialist Debt Team)
Website: www.citizensadvice.org.uk
o Shrewsbury Food Hub
Shrewsbury Food Hub is a volunteer-powered charity that stops food waste to protect the environment and strengthen our community. They collect surplus food from shops, manufacturers and farms and share it with local groups. Food share timetable: https://www.shrewsburyfoodhub.org.uk/foodshare-timetable
Call: 07399 039 292
Email: info@shrewsburyfoodhub.org.uk
Website: https://www.shrewsburyfoodhub.org.uk/
o Shropshire Larder
The Shropshire Larder is a community information resource, bringing together the support available in Shropshire for people on low incomes. Resources include emergency food access, grants and advice about managing finances, disability advice and advocacy, and more. Emergency food access list:
Email: helenbrown@cabshropshire.org.uk
Website: https://www.shropshirelarder.org.uk/
Housing and Homeless
o Man in Place, TELFORD based
Providing accommodation and support to individuals in Telford who have become homeless or faced the trauma of having to rough sleep. Services include, emergency night-by-night accommodation, temporary housing, assisted living provision, and longer-term homes.
Call: 01952 248 248
Website: https://www.maninplace.org.uk/
o SHFA - Shrewsbury Homes For All
A local charity providing housing assessments, letting properties with local landlords and providing support for the homeless.
Call: 01743 231 415
Email: info@shfa.org.uk
Website: https://shfa.org.uk/
o Reset
Partners with Shropshire Council, the Reset Project supporting rough sleepers and those at risk of rough sleeping who are using any substance, including alcohol, opiates, stimulants, cannabis and new psychoactive drugs. They provide a variety of different services to support individual needs, whilst providing holistic wrap-around support and drug and alcohol treatment.
Call: 01743 294700
Email: reset@wearewithyou.org.uk
Website: https://www.wearewithyou.org.uk/local-hubs/shropshire
o Shelter
Provides advice and information on all issues to do with housing and homelessness. Directory of local services throughout the whole UK available via website. Also, offers support to asylum seekers and refugees.
Helpline: 0808 800 4444
Website: www.shelter.org.uk
o StreetLink
Helping homeless people connect with local support services, this service can be used by people who are concerned about someone who is sleeping rough.
Call: 0300 500 0914
Website: www.streetlink.org.uk
Older People
o Age UK
Age UK offer advice and guidance on many topic, they also have a Home Help service, which provides older people with assistance for day-to-day domestic tasks and accessing their community. Partnered with The Silver Line they also offer friendship calls.
Call: 01743 233 123 / 0800 678 1602
Email: enquiries@ageukstw.org.uk
Website: www.ageuk.org.uk/shropshireandtelford
o Independent Age
For people aged 65+, they offer support with gardening, help with household tasks, shopping, help with getting warm meals – the helpline can assist with signposting people to appropriate paid services. Advice given during booked appointments.
Call: 0800 319 6789
Email: advice@independentage.org
Website: https://www.independentage.org
o Dementia UK
Offering information, specialist advice and support for individuals, friends and family for those living with dementia.
Helpline: 0800 888 6678
Website: https://www.dementiauk.org/
o The Silverline
The Silver Line is a free and confidential telephone service for older people. Providing friendship, conversation and support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Call: 0800 470 8090
Website: https://www.thesilverline.org.uk/
o Blue Cross
We provide veterinary care, offer expert behavioural help and find loving homes for pets in need. We also offer pet advice to owners, keep pets and people together with our pet food banks and aim to look after surviving pets when their owners pass away.
Call: 0300 790 9903 (customer care line) / 0800 096 6606 (pet bereavement line)
Email: plsmail@bluecross.org.uk
Website: https://www.bluecross.org.uk/
o Cinnamon Trust
Cinnamon Trust supports elderly and terminally ill people and their pets. Provides practical help when any aspect of day-to-day care poses a problem, i.e. walking the dog for a housebound owner. A national fostering service is provided for pets whose owners face a spell in hospital or who move to accommodation, which does not allow pets.
Helpline: 01736 757 900
Website: https://cinnamon.org.uk/cinnamon-trust/
o Self-Harm UK
Free online support for 10–17-year-olds, also available; online support groups, workbooks and support for parents/ carers.
Website: www.selfharm.co.uk
o Self Injury Support
Self-help resources and online support. Also provides a confidential evening helpline (Mon and Thurs, 7pm-10pm), and peer support services.
Helpline: 0808 800 8088
Website: www.selfinjurysupport.org.uk
Suicidal Ideation & Crisis Support
o Young Minds
Providing young people and their families with advice and support. Offering an abundance of online resources and information surrounding mental health issues.
Call: 020 7089 5050 (general queries)
0808 802 5544
o Urgent NHS Mental Health Helpline
24/7 free telephone support, advice and triage.
Call: 0808 196 4501
Email: access.shropshire@mpft.nhs.uk
Rape and Sexual Abuse
o Safe line
Rape and sexual assault online and telephone counselling and helpline.
Call: 01926 402498
E-mail: onlinecounselling@safeline.org.uk
Website: https://safeline.org.uk/
o Rape Crisis
Support for men and women in England and Wales. Offering online emotional support, live chat via their webchat and national helpline.
Call: 0808 500 2222
Website: https://rapecrisis.org.uk/
Supporting survivors of sexual abuse. One to one counselling for all types of sexual abuse. Working with women, men, families and children.
Shropshire: 01743 357777
Telford: 01952 278000
Email: counselling@axiscounselling.org.uk
Website: https://www.axiscounselling.org.uk/
Social Opportunities
o Barnabus Church, SHREWSBURY
Facilitates community social events and meet-ups, make contact to find out more.
Address: Barnabas Community Church, Longden Coleham, Shrewsbury, SY3 7DN
Call: 01743 364101
Website: https://barnabascommunitychurch.com/
Oswestry Community Action, otherwise known as Qube, is a registered charity based in Oswestry, Shropshire. It aims to improve the quality of life for people in North Shropshire and North-East Powys. Qube runs social groups on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and a Lunch Club on Thursdays, as well as offering befriending services.
Call: 01691 656882 – Speak to Bella Doolan about their social groups.
Website: https://qube-oca.org.uk/
o Ramblers
Helps people who like to walk find others through sharing information about walking groups in the UK. The website highlights by location where rambler walks occur.
Call: 020 3961 3232
Email: ramblers@ramblers.zendesk.com
Website: www.ramblers.org.uk/
o Together All
Free online mental health and well-being support. Offering an online community, in a safe and anonymous space and a means to connect with others.
Website: https://togetherall.com/en-gb/
o Designs in Mind, OSWESTRY
A working design studio providing a space where adults living with mental health challenges work together on ambitious, experimental art and design projects.
Call: 01691 655140
Website: https://designsinmind.co.uk/
o Talking Whilst Walking
Talking Whilst Walking is a Shrewsbury-based walking group that encourages conversation and connection while exploring local routes—check their Instagram for walking times!
o Men’s Sheds
Social support groups for Men which often focus on a task (walking, crafts or DIY), to reduce loneliness and enhance their general wellbeing.
Call: 0300 772 9626
Email: admin@ukmsa.org.uk
Website: https://menssheds.org.uk/
o The Mayfair Community Centre, CHURCH STRETTON
A wide variety of groups and community projects. This included: dancing, arts and crafts, digital support, health walks, transport support, complementary health services, befriending and more.
Address: Easthope Road, Church Stretton SY6 6BL
Call: 01694 722077
Web: https://www.mayfaircentre.org.uk/
o U3A
U3A is a collection of 1000+ charities for retired, semi-retired, or newly retired people who seek to remain engaged within their community. Lots of weekly groups for members.
Call: 020 8466 6139
Email: info@u3a.org.uk
Website: www.u3a.org.uk
o Royal British Legion
Supporting military personnel, veterans, and their families. Dedicated advice and services on; employment and financial support, physical and mental wellbeing, outreach, local community connections, and care and independent living.
Call: 0808 802 8080
Website: www.britishlegion.org.uk
o SSAFA. The Armed Forces Charity
Supporting military personnel, veterans, and their families.
Dedicated advice and services on; supporting through transition process to ‘civvy street’. Social care, welfare, benefits, and housing. Physical disability support, mental wellbeing. Support for veterans in the criminal justice system and their families. Dedicated Gurkha support.
Call: 0800 260 6780
Email: Shropshire.branch@ssafa.org.uk
Website: www.ssafa.org.uk
o Combat Stress
24/7 helpline for military veterans and their families. Provides services in-person, telephone and online. Online self-help guides available.
Helpline: 0800 138 1619
Text: 07537 173683
Email: helpline@combatstress.org.uk
Website: www.selfhelp.combatstress.org.uk
o Shrewsbury Town Foundation. Military Hub
Offering groups and social activities.
Address: Shrewsbury Town Football Club, Montgomery Waters meadow, Oteley Road, Shrewsbury, SY2 6ST
Call: 01743 289 177
Email: admin@foundationstfc.co.uk
Website: www.foundationstfc.co.uk