News Posted 11 Jul

Volunteer Vacancies! Join our fabulous team.

First and foremost, we realise that some volunteers will be able to give more time and effort than others – circumstances vary. But we do expect you to meet the commitments you make when we accept your application to become a Shropshire MHS volunteer. Our service users and fellow volunteers rely on each member of the team to do their bit – without that commitment, things don’t work as they need to.

Second, Shropshire MHS accomplishes a lot with very little. We have a very small team of staff and limited funding. To address the needs of so many service users, we rely on volunteers to help out with the workload. Shropshire MHS has several working groups that focus on specific organisational issues: fundraising, volunteering, communications and publicity, to name a few. Each of these working groups involves staff, trustees, volunteers and service users, as well as on occasion representatives from external organisations. Volunteers are encouraged to participate in running and supporting these working groups. Apart from making a big contribution to meeting the charity’s goals, it is another way to learn valuable skills – a win/win for everyone.

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